To offer supported housing to all young people in care, care leavers and young people who find themselves homeless aged between 16 and 21 years who need a home in Hereford.
Too many young people in care are placed miles from Hereford because there is not enough suitable, good quality accommodation to meet their needs. It is Throne Homes mission to fill this gap but also to offer something different to the few supported living homes that are already in Hereford.
The ethos and values of Throne Homes are under pinned by Christian values of love, kindness and care for everyone and actively responding to young people’s needs. Throne Homes holds in the highest regard young people who are in need of accommodation and who may be vulnerable because of their experiences or needs regardless of their background, race, sexual orientation, gender, faith or culture.
If you share our vision, and want to support our work, you can donate to support our work.
Throne Homes is a Foundation Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) - application pending. Once we have a registration number from the Charity Commission you wiil be able to donate via the PayPal button.
In the meantime you can donate directly into our bank account with the following details:
Account Name: Throne Homes
Account Number: 31069497
Sort code: 40-18-00
In line with the expectations of the Charity Commission we will publish our accounts annually.