We're looking for a 3 - 4 bed house in Hereford which will be a suitable to home for 2 - 3 young people and can accommodate on duty staff and our office.
We're not just looking to accommodate young people who have left care or are in difficult circumstances, but are committed to providing them with love, support and opportunity.
We're here to keep young people in Hereford so that, where appropriate, they can be near to family and friends and to provide stability by providing a stable, consistent, safe and loving home.
We will provide opportunities for mentoring, befriending and hospitality, all in the interests of social welfare and designed to improve the conditions of life of the young people.
We will offer activities which develop the skills, capacities and capabilities of vulnerable and homeless young people, to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible individuals.
Where the needs arise in the form of life story support and counselling we will provide young people with supportive therapies to help them gaining a sense of belonging, become secure in their identity and have good mental health.
If you share our vision, and want to support our work, you can donate to support our work.
Throne Homes is a Foundation Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) - application pending. Once we have a registration number from the Charity Commission you wiil be able to donate via the PayPal button.
In the meantime you can donate directly into our bank account with the following details:
Account Name: Throne Homes
Account Number: 31069497
Sort code: 40-18-00
In line with the expectations of the Charity Commission we will publish our accounts annually.